April 2023

VAMOS Bike Streets

By |2023-04-09T22:02:06+00:00April 6th, 2023|Podcast|

EPISODE 184, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Avi Stopper from Denver and the VAMOS! Bike Streets Initiative We discuss VAMOS! bike streets initiative to quickly bridge the gaps in the city's [...]

The Pedaling Pastor

By |2023-04-08T11:49:25+00:00April 4th, 2023|Podcast|

EPISODE 183, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Travis Norvell, aka The Pedaling Pastor We discuss the many ways his life and ministry have been enhanced by walking, biking, and taking [...]

March 2023

Black Forest Family

By |2023-03-28T17:18:20+00:00March 28th, 2023|Podcast|

EPISODE 181, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Ashton & Jonathan Schottler of The Black Forest Family Channel We discuss their desires to lead an active lifestyle, including modeling active mobility within [...]

Mobility Pyramid

By |2023-03-24T12:31:37+00:00March 24th, 2023|Podcast|

EPISODE 180, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Robert Martin, Head of Mobility at Jaja Architects in Copenhagen, DK We discuss the Mobility Pyramid - Its creation and application as a [...]

East Coast Greenway

By |2023-03-10T02:42:19+00:00March 10th, 2023|Podcast|

EPISODE 178, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Brent Buice, SC + GA Manager, East Coast Greenway Alliance We discuss this extraordinary effort that connects 15 states and 450 cities and towns for [...]

Bike Perks Program

By |2023-03-04T17:43:38+00:00March 4th, 2023|Podcast|

EPISODE 177, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Ryan Birkicht, Director of Enterprise Partnerships for the PeopleForBikes We discuss the details of Bike Perks an innovative transportation demand management program [...]

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