Black Forest Family
EPISODE 181, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Ashton & Jonathan Schottler of The Black Forest Family Channel We discuss their desires to lead an active lifestyle, including modeling active mobility within [...]
EPISODE 181, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Ashton & Jonathan Schottler of The Black Forest Family Channel We discuss their desires to lead an active lifestyle, including modeling active mobility within [...]
EPISODE 179, SEASON 5: In this episode, I reconnect with Mallory Baches, the newly appointed President of the Congress for the New Urbanism We discuss the core principles of the CNU as well [...]
EPISODE 169, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Emily Hanna, Bike Walk Central Florida Executive Director We discuss the positive steps that are finally being made in one of the most [...]
EPISODE 168, SEASON 5: In this episode, I connect with Vignesh Swaminathan, also known on TikTok as Mr. Barricade We discuss his journey from engineering highway off-ramps to building and promoting protected bike lanes [...]
EPISODE 166, SEASON 5: In this first episode of Season Five, I connect with Gil Penalosa, founder of 8 80 Cities and recent candidate for mayor in Toronto We discuss the early days [...]
EPISODE 158, SEASON 4: In this episode, I connect with Warren Logan, an Oakland, CA-based consultant and public policy professional We discuss his experiences and learnings from having served as the Mayor's [...]
EPISODE 157, SEASON 4: In this episode, I reconnect with Paige Ellis, Austin City Council Member representing District 8 We discuss the buildout of Austin's Dutch-inspired cycle network, pandemic response initiatives, and [...]
EPISODE 155, SEASON 4: In this episode, I connect with Jennifer Boyd, a nine-time Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker We discuss her most recent film, The Street Project: The Fight to Make Our [...]
EPISODE 151, SEASON 4: In this episode, the first of Season 4, I connect with Emilia Hanna, with the Car-Free Megacities Campaign We discuss the friendly challenge between New York City, Paris, and [...]
EPISODE 140, SEASON 3: In this episode, I connect with Cathy Tuttle, a Portland, OR-based advocate and thought leader in sustainable, people-oriented places We discuss her diverse background, her previous work in [...]