In this episode, John connects with
Lennart Nout, Manager of International Strategy with Mobycon
They discuss Dutch mobility network design details and why he likes to say the “Devil is in the Details” when it comes to creating “All Ages & Abilities” active mobility networks that not only encourage users to walk, cycle, and take transit more often but also to prompt motor vehicle drivers to drive slower with patience and attentiveness.

Show Notes:
– Video Link: Getting the Details Right w/ Lennart Nout
Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning into this first episode of 2022. A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to connect with Lennart Nout, Manager of International Strategies, for Mobycon, a mobility systems design consulting firm based in The Netherlands.
We cover a lot of ground in this conversation including a recent protected intersection installation in Canmore in Alberta, Canada, Dutch-style protected roundabout designs, and traffic-calmed slow streets.
Enjoy the episode.
Additional Helpful Links:
– Mobility for Everyone Webinar
– Curbing Traffic book by Melissa & Chris Bruntlett
Background Info and Show Credits:
Hi Everyone, my name is John Simmerman and I launched the non-profit Advocates for Healthy Communities in 2012 as an effort to help promote and create healthy, active places.
Since that time I’ve been exploring, documenting, and profiling established, emerging, and aspiring Active Towns wherever they might be, in order to produce high-quality multi-media content to help inspire the creation of more safe and inviting, environments that promote a “Culture of Activity” for “All Ages & Abilities”.
This website and content therein feature my original conversations and reflections profiling the positive and inspiring efforts to create more Active Towns happening around the world.
Thanks for visiting and tuning in, I hope you find this content helpful.
All video and audio, including music for this episode, was produced by me, John Simmerman
Please consider supporting my efforts to produce this multi-media content by becoming Patron my Patreon page.
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You can reach me by email at john <at> activetowns.org
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2022
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