In this episode, John re-connects with
Cara Seiderman, Transportation Program Manager with the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts
They discuss the newly revised bike plan as well as some of the exciting developments currently underway to create safe and inviting active mobility environments for all ages, abilities, and identities.

Show Notes:
In June 2021, the City of Cambridge published Cambridge Bicycle Plan 2020, an update to the 2015 Cambridge Bicycle Plan: Toward a Bikeable Future. The Bicycle Plan lays out a vision for where they as a City want to be, with the guiding principle to enable people of all ages, abilities, and identities to bike safely and comfortably throughout Cambridge. It provides the framework for developing a network of bicycle-friendly streets and supporting programs and policies that will help meet this goal.
In this episode, John and Cara discuss some of the history and context behind the efforts to make walking and biking easier, safer, and more comfortable in the city. Cara also provides an update on the newly rewritten bike plan and she highlights some of the new infrastructure and programming being initiated.
Ultimately Cambridge is a fabulous example for other cities to look towards for inspiration and learnings. They have some amazing high comfort infrastructure on the ground with more coming and many impressive programming efforts to make walking, biking, and taking transit more enjoyable for everyday trips.
Additional Helpful Links:
Jan Gehl founder of the firm Gehl People
Preston Tyree co-host of the Growing Older Podcast
Active Towns Video from 2019 visit
Mama Agata video – Amsterdam program to help migrant women learn to cycle
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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You can reach John Simmerman by email at john@activetowns.org