In this episode, John chats with Huntsville-based Cartographer and Artist, David Nuttall
They discuss his recently completed quest to ride every single street in the city, the things he learned during the journey, and the impact it has on him.

Here’s the video animation of David’s journey
Below: Rural riding within the city limits
Below: Dead end streets featuring red diamonds indicating that the street should have been built but wasn’t
Show Notes:
David Nuttall was motivated to get in a little exercise and lose a little weight by exploring his adopted hometown of Huntsville, Alabama on his trusty old mountain bike. And thus a challenge was born: ride every street in the city limits and since he’s cartographer, naturally he’d map that experience and learn what he could along the way.
This is not an uber athlete endorphin-fueled adventure story, but one of patient reflection, social connection, curiosity, joy, and humanity.
Additional Helpful Links:
David’s art studio: Artimaps
Bikes & Brews Ride Facebook page
Link to Animated map of David’s Rides
Map Animation by Ned Drummond – Ned’s website
Below: David’s Artimaps productions
Show Credits:
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2021
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