Season 1 Episode 50:
Mike is a former mayor of Seattle, WA and the new Executive Director of America Walks. John and Mike have a wide-ranging conversation about creating cities for people. Enjoy!

Show Notes:
Y’all are in for quite the treat with this one.
Michael McGinn served as the 52nd mayor of Seattle, WA and was recently selected as the new Executive Director of America Walks, a 20-year old national nonprofit organization that has been leading the way in advancing safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move by giving people and communities the resources to effectively advocate for change.
John and Mike cover a wide range of topics in their conversation, including how Mike got started in city advocacy work, some of the visions of America Walks, and the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.
Additional Helpful Links:
Angie Schmitt’s Active Towns Podcast Episode
Charles Brown’s Active Towns Podcast Episode
Show Credits:
Audio Production by Active Towns
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities create a Culture of Activity.
Creative Commons License: Attributions Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2020
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